Friday 9 December 2016


Post Truth!

Mr. Vipul Solanki

Department of Communication Skills, MEFGI, Rajkot 

As you are aware, Oxford dictionary has declared 'post-truth' as the word of year. Some intellects believe that we have entered in the age of post truth where in the truth is no more relevant. The emotional appeal or personal interest is conquering the truth/fact. The old age morals are breaking and the new age standards are begin established. "Prejudices are being converted into truths." "The truth has replaced believably." On the other hand, we have Gandhiji as our ideal whose whole emphasis is on truth. How do we see the change if there is any change? The discussion in this video (Sarokar: Post Truth) may help to understand it at some extent.

We can have discussion on it.

You may also like to read this article: Yes, I'd lie to you. . .  

CFP - IJHTE - January 2017 Issue

International Journal of Humanities in Technical Education
Invites Research Papers for the
January 2017 Issue

Sub-themes for the next Issue of IJHTE are as follow:
English Studies: papers based on the rise and development of English Studies as a discipline.
Translation Studies: papers based on issues and concerns of translation studies.
Comparative Literature: papers studying approaches, techniques and methods of Comparative Literature with reference to different schools and texts.
Diaspora: papers based on the diaspora literature highlighting migration, identity crisis, multiculturalism, language issues, cultural fusion, ethnicity etc.
Postcolonial Studies: papers dealing with the different aspects of postcolonialsim with reference to theoretical aspects and reading of literary texts. 
Women’s Writing: papers highlighting insights on Women’s Writing in the context of history, culture and literary representations.
Dalit Literature: papers studying Dalit sensibility as expressed in various genres of literature.
Indian Writing in English: paper exploring various themes, issues and crafts of Indian Writing in English across the genres.
Indian Poetics: papers dealing with various aspects of Indian Poetics with reference to both Indian and Western texts.
ELT: papers dealing with insights on ELT practices.
Film Studies:  papers exploring aspects of reading film as text, meanings of frames, themes etc.
Media Studies: papers on various issues of media studies.
Format: As per the ‘Author Guidelines’ given on

Note: There are no charges for the publication. Kindly send your paper/s at:

The last date for sending the papers is January 10, 2017.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Report on a Presentation in Research Pursuit: Samvad – A Faculty Forum

Samvad – A Faculty Forum

Report on a Presentation in Research Pursuit

Date: 19rd March, 2016 | Venue: Board Room, MC301

Organized by   Department of Communication Skills,

      Marwadi Education Foundation's Group of Institutions - Rajkot 

Samvad – A Faculty Forum, Department of Communication Skills, MEFGI organized A Presentation in Research Pursuit on Dr. Vishal Bhadani’s Ph.D.: “Violence’ and ‘Space’: Perspectives on Post 1970 Indian Novels on Communal Riots. ‘A Presentation in Research Pursuit’ is a platform provided to the faculties for discussion of the research they are pursuing. In today’s era, research is the most vital requirement and valued achievement. Higher education institutes are expected to be the platform for engaging oneself into research. Keeping in mind the need of the time and objectives of higher education, such platform has been formed to delve in to the research being pursued.
The above said session has been organized as per the below details.
PhD Topic
‘Violence’ and ‘Space’: Perspectives on Post 1970 Indian Novels on Communal Riots
Dr. Vishal Bhadani
Department of Communication Skills, MEFGI

The presentation session is structured into two parts. In the first part, the research gives detailed presentation while Q&A and discussion takes place between the presenter and the audience in the later part. In the first part of this presentation, Dr. Vishal Bhadani made his presentation defining the title of his research and introducing the select literary works he has studied as a part of his research. He then defined the terms ‘violence’ and ‘space’ and located these ideas into the select five novels: 1) Tamas (1972) by Bhishm Sahani, 2) Curfew in the City (1988) by Vibhuti Narayan Rai, 3) Lajja (1993) by Taslima Nasreen, 4) Riot (2001) by Shashi Tharoor, 5) Partition (2004) by Kamleshwar.

He explained the term talked about ‘communal violence’, its history, nature and its sudden eruptions at times. Then, explaining the term ‘space’, he talked about ‘Physical Space’, ‘Sacred Space’, ‘Historical Space’, ‘Heterotopia’, ‘Political Space’, ‘Socio-Psychological Space’, and ‘Curfew as Controlling Space’. He contextualized these terms/themes in the select novels set and written after 1970. Further, sharing his observations, he illustrated the way communal violence in India, specifically after 1970, has been depicted in the literary works.

After his presentation, the session was left open for Q&A and discussion. In the latter part, few questions were asked by the audience and answered by the speaker. Then, Dr. Sunil Sagar, Head of the Department, gave his prominent remarks on the presentation. He also questioned the research and asked questions about the condition of research in English Studies now. His questions and doubts have also instigated another session specifically on the quality of research in English Studies which may be panned soon.

The session was completed with some important take-home points for research.